
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Game Deconstruction: Sushi Go!

Goal of the Game: The goal for Sushi Go! is to have the most points at the end of all three rounds.

Core Mechanic: Players play cards from their hands face down and then reveal what card they played. After revealing their cards they pass their hand to the player on their left.

Space: The role of space in the game is fairly limited it's just the draw pile, the discard pile and each characters scoring area as well as their active play card.

Objects, Attributes and States: The objects in the game are the 108 cards. The attributes of the cards are their point values and different scoring behaviors. The game has a few states to it, there's playing a card, revealing a card, passing the hands and scoring them. Then each card has a state where it's either going to give you points,give you nothing. or detract from your score. The nigiri cards have a unique state of being on top of a wasabi where their score is then tripled.

Operative Actions: The operative action for this game is choosing which card to play for yourself and add to your scoring tray.

Resultant Actions: Resultant Actions of it turns could be losing points if you have the least pudding's at the end of a turn, or another resultant action could be replacing your card and getting


Behavioral Rules: The game itself doesn't have any behavioral rules, but focusing on messing up your opponents will result in you making sub optimal moves. While there are no penalties for cheating specifically written it's assumed that you won't cheat because of sportsmanship.

Advisory Rules: It's good to keep your strategy for the round flexible, don't stay stuck on a plan if someone is focused on disrupting that plan.

Skills Players Learn: They learn to keep track of the cards as the hands pass from one player to another and they're forced to view all the hands as a collected pool instead of individual ones. Another valuable skill the players learn is knowing when to play a card that will get you ahead and when to play a card that will put an opponent behind.

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