
Monday, September 28, 2015

Game Design Brain Storm Ideas

1.     Bomb Tiles
a.     Players move around and place bomb tiles which then explode based off of bomb power.
2.     Spelunkers
a.     Players play tiles face down and move on to them, when landed on you reveal the tile which has effects such as go back two spaces, take damage, or move ahead spaces.

3.     Espionage
a.     Like spelunkers but every character has a secret goal that they want to accomplish.
4.     Wild West
a.     Tile Laying game where the goal is to create a straight path to another player to shoot them, can have possible pick up items that are gathered when shot.
5.     Magi Shot
a.     Tile laying game where the goal is to create a path to another player and hit them with the correct spell combo, different paths do different damage.
6.     Magi Combo
a.     Play the right combination of three cards to deal damage to a player, like rock paper scissors but more in depth with combinations.
                                               i.     You can only use X cards in a row during a round
Crazed Scientist
a.     Players place cards down to create a combination of elements which only they want, when you get a combination you earn points or can cash it in for a bonus effect.
                                               i.     Game has a stop card in it which will dilute a combination in process.

8.     Missed Signals
a.     Players get tiles they keep face down but can look at.
b.     They try to match tiles with another player but if someone calls what tile they matched it doesn’t count.
c.      Each player has certain goals.
9.     Taco Craft
a.     The goal is to eat as much without going over and you eat cards blindly, unless you eat a certain combination of cards to gain abilities.
10. Crime
a.     Players take on heists which are drawn from a shared deck, they then fill in die rolls and get paid a certain amount of money per die in the heist, you lose if you get busted which can happen on certain die rolls.
11. Slap Shot
a.     Players have team tiles and shot strength tiles.
                                               i.     If a player plays a strong shot strength tile then they score and the goal is to not score against your own team, the team with the highest score wins. You keep track of who you scored on during the game.
12. Ship Captains
a.     Players occupy roles on a ship as it moves through a hazardous map, and they then complete die rolls to save them but they can get bonuses if they are in a certain spot.
13.  Knight Bash
a.     a rock paper scissors type fighter that has stamina and item cards.
                                               i.     As players get hit in certain zones they lose the ability to use cards.


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